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Our Mission

To transform, alleviate, educate and protect the lives of underprivileged, individuals and minority communities impacted by disasters, natural or man-made, suffering from hunger, illiteracy, diseases, or from violation of civil and human-rights into informed and vibrant members of society by fostering sustainable programs regardless of color, race, religion, creed, gender, disability and or national origin.

Every Saturday Distribution of free meals in downtown Los Angeles on Skid Row, CA

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UNITED SIKHS has volunteers from around the globe at our base camp at the Polish-Ukrainian border serving thousands of refugees daily. With your continued support we can help thousands more. The Sikh Aid team provides non-partisan global humanitarian disaster relief services, which not only provide immediate aid, but also long-term rehabilitation help communities and individuals in need.


ICHRA helps advance the economic, social and spiritual empowerment of minorities and other marginalized groups and individuals in need, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, social status, age or ability. We achieve this by protecting and enforcing the civil and human rights of minorities and marginalized groups in the Americas, Europe and Asia.


Sardar Nirmal Singh was walking around 7 a.m. on Sunday, April 3, 2022, at 95th Avenue and Lefferts Boulevard in Richmond Hill when a stranger punched the elderly man in the nose. This blow to the face left 70-year-old Sardar Nirmal Singh bleeding uncontrollably as he was rushed to the hospital. Police are investigating this incident as a possible hate crime.


UNITED SIKHS is a U.N. affiliated, international, non-profit, non-governmental, humanitarian relief, education, human development and advocacy organization that aims to empower those in need, especially disadvantaged and minority communities around the world. UNITED SIKHS is head-quartered in New York and registered as a non-profit, tax exempt organization, in New York pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and registered as a charity in the State of New York.

Ash Kaur Sahni headshot
Thank you!

"I appreciate any and all support for this extremely valuable nonprofit organization, United Sikhs, that is near and dear to my heart."

Ash Kaur Sahni

Content by Ash Kaur Sahni San Ramon Realtor

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